I went to the doctor's on Friday. Things are progressing along very smoothly. Baby is head down, I'm measuring right on track for how many weeks I am, I'm even starting to dilate. I have about three weeks left until the due date, but technically, I could be considered term. We've started buying a package of diapers every week so we can get a head start. That's what worries me as far as being able to afford another baby. We won't have to pay for the delivery, hopefully we won't have to buy formula, but we will have to buy diapers. I've forgotten how much we spent on diapers with Will, so I think it might be a shock for me.
My family is growing, and will continue to grow, and I have discovered that having a happy family is not just good luck. It takes a lot of hard work. My family and I have put forth a large amount of effort so we can stick together, but there are still some things that need some fine tuning.
I want my children to grow up in a happy home. I want my home to be a haven from the rest of the world where my kids can feel safe and secure. I think some things are going to have to change. We need to be more selective about the things we let into our home, like TV, movies, video games, etc. We need to be more actively inviting the Spirit into our home through scripture study and prayer. We need to spend more time together as a family, without any distractions, so we can all feel loved and wanted. I'm hoping that since I have written these things down, I will feel more committed to making these changes. I grew up in a home where all of these things seemed to be perfect. My parents did a great job keeping our family close and our house a place we could all call home, no matter the location. We all found happiness in everyday experiences, and that is what I want for my children. Now I have my own family, and I am looking forward to working hard everyday so we can feel secure and happy.