So last week we went over to story time at Barnes and Noble. Will loves to go not only to listen to the stories, but also to play with the beloved Thomas the Train play set. You know, the little train table with all the wooden train tracks and magnetic train cars and thousands of other things all on one adventurous table. Well, low and behold, some young and restless punk decided to carve something offencive and rude into this public playset.
So needless to say the store removed the entire table. Will was horrified and decided to throughly comb the store insisting that it was only moved. (Wow, I really am using a lot of big words!) So for days all he asked about is where is Thomas.
I guess that he thought about it too much cause the next week my friend whose children have out grown their toys offered me their Thomas the train play set. I can not begin to tell you how happy he was to see this and now that is all he destroys/plays with. I guess the secret really does work.