Thursday, August 7, 2008

Riding the Potty Train

It's official now. We are potty training. We've had a few half-hearted and failed attempts in the past, but this one if for real! It the past two days, we've only had 2 accidents!! Yay Will!! Since I'm still new at this, does anyone have any advice or amazing tricks? So far, we have a sticker chart. Each successful trip to the bathroom gets a sticker and when the chart is full, he gets a "special treat." Then we'll start again with a new chart. It seems to be working so far, but I still have to remind him to go to the bathroom, he won't tell me when he needs to go, hence the 2 accidents. All in all, things are going well!!! I'm so proud of my little boy!!!


L4GWTW said...

Yeah good for you. I really can't say that I have any ideas since marcus really potty trained our kids. Scarlett of course was a long process due to her. Good luck and I hope you the best! Once this is over then you are home free for a few years. I have to say that life is good when all your kids are potty trained.

melissa gargalis said...

my sister in law has three boys. She says she would set a timer for every 15 to 20 minutes and when the timer went off they'd go potty. She'd adjust the timer until she figured out how often he needed to go-before accidents. Then eventually she said they start to recognize the need to go. Hope that helps. Congrats. I can't wait for Luke to get there. We tried a little while back, but not seriously-can't wait to have only one in diapers. Go Danique!

The Gray Family said...

I am with Melissa on looking forward to only buying diapers for one kid! I wish I had some words of advice for you but I have a feeling it will be a LONG time before we are ready for that step. If Will was anything like Brendan, bribery with food would be helpful...I've heard some people have good luck with M&Ms?